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Equipment Overview:
Large chain grate: supported and connected by a rigid crossbeam as grate pieces. The crossbeam grate is very convenient to replace the grate pieces during operation, and the grate surface is also relatively flat, which is extremely durable.
The width and length of this type of grate can be made very large, making it one of the grate choices for large boilers
A coal powder boiler equipped with a measuring chain grate: Coal first passes through the coal grinding equipment, and then is sprayed into the furnace for combustion. The entire combustion process is carried out in a suspended state in the furnace, and this type of boiler is called a coal powder boiler.
Its characteristics can improve mixing with air, accelerate ignition box and combustion, and have wide applicability to coal types, suitable for large and medium-sized boilers. The combustion equipment of coal powder boilers includes coal powder equipment, coal powder production system, and coal powder burner
Block chain furnace grate slag blocking device: The main functions of the slag blocking device are twofold: firstly, to prevent the slag from falling between the flipped grate pieces at the rear axle and to extend the stay time of the slag on the grate, facilitating the combustion of the slag, that is, the "slag blocking" function; The second is to prevent air leakage at the tail slag well of the boiler and improve the thermal efficiency of the boiler.
There are two commonly used slag blocking devices on chain grate:
1. Eagle Iron. It is located at the end of the chain grate about to turn, shaped like an eagle's beak, made of cast iron, hence its name. It has the first function mentioned above, but cannot prevent tail air leakage, so its thermal efficiency is poor. Due to its simple structure, convenient manufacturing, and low risk of malfunctions, it has been widely used.
2. Blocking slag pendulum. The slag blocking pendulum is installed above the tail of the chain furnace grate, and it has the two functions of the slag blocking device mentioned above. Therefore, it can improve boiler efficiency. But its disadvantage is that the structure is relatively complex, and when used improperly, the rear of the grate is prone to slagging and often burned out, resulting in a large maintenance workload. Therefore, its application is not as extensive as Eagle Iron.
The width and length of the large chain grate can be made very large, making it one of the grate choices for large boilers.
The large chain grate is suitable for boilers with an evaporation capacity of 20-40t/h or even larger.